Modern Democratic Socialists decry the notion of capitalism. For example, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has famously declared, "Capitalism hasn't always been here, and it won't always be here." Effectively, she has promounced that Capitalism is in the throws of death. Others within the Democratic Socialist ranks decry that they don't want to exchange their time for money. A logical question: who does? However, the asking of the question is not acknowledgement that Capitalism is dying. Rather, it is awareness that at all times, people would honestly conclude that they don't want to exchange their time for a wage or a salary. This does not mean that Capitalism is dying. It is merely a different question.
It has been said that there is dignity in work. Without endeavor, what is a human being and what do you leave as your legacy after your days on earth, if there is no work?
Democratic Socialists have over the past several decades attempted to substitute equity for equality. Having tremendouse exposure to the notion of equity in our legal system, I must conclude that the concept is entirely meaningless. There is no empirical way of measuring equity. How can anyone know if the outcome achieved is equitable.
There is popular notion that states: What gets measured gets improved. Capitalism is merely a mechanism in which good are exchanged for currency or for other goods. The accumulation of currency or capital, is merely a measure of outcome.
If you achieve an outcome that cannot be measured, how do you know that you have achieved anything at all.
I will assert that equity is a preposterous and moronic of outcome. There is no objective measure of outcome if your measure is some abstract notion of equity or outcome. Capitalism provides a much greater measure of outcome and equity. Capital can be measured; therefore, outcomes in a capitalist society can be measured. Since outcomes can be measured - not just notionally, but intrinsically using accepted economic formulas, the ability to improve the outcome can similarly be improved by manipulating the inputs and optimizing the equations. This is the manner in which economists analyze the economy within a city, town, county, state or nation. We've built national and global standards based on capitalism and financial measures of GDP, Profit and Loss and even currency exchange rates. These standards have worked for centuries. Throwing out capitalism is a dangerous notion, particularly if some poorly defined notion of "equity" is the only alternative.
It occurs to me that this is precisely why Socialist countries have failed miserably throughout history. Living standards in Socialist countries are abhorrent. Morover, Capitalisim provides an objective measure of the standard of living in a country. If we jettison Capitalism, how do we measure standard of living? It seems a frivolous notion.
Moreover, Capitalism allows for the meaasurement of wealth. By measuring the aggregate wealth of a nation, you have a strong measure of the standard of living of that nation. Perhaps some people fall below the median while others are measurably above the median standard, but at least it is an objective measurement. As such, we can improve the measurement, and construct policies which endeavor to raise the aggregate level of wealth in the country. In addition, we can employ such measures of aggregate wealth and median income to determine who needs a leg up by an objective measure.
In conclusion, I find that Democratic Socialism is a joke and needs to be eradicated from the social discourse. it provides no suitable replacement for objective measurement, thus no way to quantify who we need to pull up. Democratic Socialism effectively replaces the useful measures of wealth with nothing... The Emporer's new clothes.