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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

On Capitalism vs. Socialism

Copyright © Thought Rising 2020 All rights reserved.

It seems of late that there is a rather large mobilization of socialists throughout the country.  This outcry of socialism harkens back to the Occupy Wall Street events of a few years back and rides on the heels of Bernie Sander's push to turn America into a socialist country.

However, all of this belies the fact that people in the socialist regimes of our globe are far less free and far less well off than people are in the United States.  In fact, nearly every socialist country has a miserable record with respect to human rights violations. To wit, socialism has failed miserably in most every country in which it has been tried -- notable socialist countries include:

1) the USSR, which broke up some 30 years ago -- a nation rather infamous for it's Gulags and prisons.
2) China which is notoriously famous for repressing it's own people and killing it's own people should they protest in Tianamen Square or Downtown Hong Kong
3) Czecheslovakia, which is reknowned for oppressing it's own people until the country experienced a Civil War.
4) Romania, A country which repressed even it's national heroes.
5) Cuba, which has been a disaster for most Cubans.
6) Venezuela which went from being one of the most prosperous countries in Latin America to arguably the poorest and most repressive in just a matter of 15 or 20 years.

Why is it that socialism always results in poor outcomes?

I have a theory.  The problem is that the rules of socialism are complicated.  Who makes the rules? How do you compel people to be equal without repression of voice?  In fact is there real equality in any Socialist society?  Scarcely!  There are still ruling class and proletariat class in every Socialist country in the world.  So, what is it that attracts people in this country to Socialism.  I'm baffled.

There's no such thing as a free lunch!  No country and no government is going to pay you to stay at home and sit on your duff for any period of time.  Capitalism offers "We the People" in the United States of America the central concepts  that we have valued for nearly 250 years, and it's working.

Furthermore, the rules of capitalism are much more predictable:  If I have $10, I can purchase $10 of goods or services, but no more.  Of course credit cards add some nuances to the supply and demand concepts, but ultimately, the market prices itself based on consumer tolerances and supply and demand.  Most people understand how this works even if they have not studied economic theory.  Whereas even a year-long course of study in Marxism and Socialism won't help you to understand the rules of Socialism any better than you do at this very moment!

Clearly Capitalism is not perfect and we need a strong government to keep things moving along, but ultimately, Capitalism makes sense and people demonstrably experience great liberties in the USA in part because we have a Democratic Republic rather than a Socialist State, and in part because of the Declaration of Independence.

I am deeply concerned about the Socialist agenda in the Democratic party.  In Socialism, only the ruling class has any freedoms.  So, why wouldn't the Democratic politicians want Socialism.  They can rule indefinitely and control the country at their leisure so long as the Socialist Regime Reigns.
In a nutshell, this is the end goal of the Socialists within the Democratic party, and I cannot stomach any of it.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Software Accidents Will Happen

Copyright © Thought Rising 2020 All rights reserved.
"Agile is the process used by disciplined professionals observed in the wild."
- Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin

In December of 1992, I traveled to Snowbird ski resort.  While there, I scribbled 4 statements on a chalkboard in the conference room at the resort.  Apparently no one erased that chalkboard between December 1992 and February 2001.

The Agile Alliance met at Snowbird Ski Resort  in February 2001 and published the Agile Manifesto.  According to Robert Martin, they never met again and don't have any desire to do so.  Is it because they anticipate that they will never find writing on that chalkboard  again?

in 2016, Robert Martin, in his talk on the future of programming, he asserts: "Civilization depends on us!" He notes that many dozens of people have been killed by software (due to software in automobiles malfunctioning and the vehicles consequently running into things).  He goes on to assert, "it's just a matter of time before a software cataclysm occurs when perhaps tens of thousands of people are killed by software written poorly."  He describes the scenario of  an airplane crashing into a football stadium.  But we need to consider whether Dr. Martin's "software cataclysm" will be with a bang or a whimper!  Perhaps Dr. Martin's prediction will not be something with so much man and machine carnage as a plane crash.

In the early years of my career, I was responsible for writing programs to manage and control a ballistic testing laboratory at TRW Safety Systems in Mesa, AZ.  The program managed various interlocks, in which the ballistic test (read: explosion) could not be completed until the testbay door was locked from the outside and every member of the test team that had entered the testbay had authorized the test to proceed -- thus indicating that there was no human being in the ballistic testbay.

Thus, I learned a profound lesson about the importance of Software testing and the reality that software could be harmful to humans.

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