Among other things that consume my time, I Web-Master for a non-profit organization We have a phpBB blog within our site and have been battling Spammers for quite some time, many of which are little more than spambots or botnets orchestrated by Russian Hackers. Let me be clear, I love phpBB. It's remarkable ease of use cannot be denied. But this spam problem really needs to be addressed in some way. By banning the poster's using their IP and e-mail Address as well as user name, I managed to reduce the daily spam-post content to about 3 to 5 a day, but it isstill a hassle. I scoured the web in an attempt to find reliable guidance as to haw to block all of this nonsense. Truly, there was nothing of value except for a suggestion to use a Filtering Service to weed out connections from known domains that host the vast majority of Russian spammers. As our site is very regional to Arizona the only downside to this approach is that these services require you to pay a recurring service charge and it's not really advantageous to a small non-profit to incur such charges. In addition this approach would not block the various fake accounts that these spammers have set up on Google and Yahoo. and others which they make to appear like a US-Based account by impersonating a US-based IP address when they post spam content.
I had been searching for some time for a reliable technique to block these spammers, but they kept breaking through regardless of what I did. I started contemplating -- instead of just banning individual e-mails, what if I could ban entire domains or sub-domains such as *@*.ru (most of Russia) or * (another common Russian subdomain used by Russian Spammers Ultimately I found that this can indeed be done within the phpBB Administration Control Panel. I'm just puzzled why people have not identified this solution. it seems crazy simple. By doing this from the "Users and Groups" tab of the ACP, I am rather confident that I will block the vast majority of the Russian Spammers, with the exception of a few that use Gmail Accounts. Any of this sound remotely related to the Russian Social Media Advertising scandal that is receiving attention in both the media and in the ongoing US Congressional investigation?
Gradually the number of breaches by these leeches will dwindle to a very small and manageable number until I achieve that blissful nirvana of a pristine site of people helping each other without advertisementss for Viagra and Porno sites clogging up the Bulletin Board. --- HAPPINESS!!!!
Well, not quite total HAPPINESS....some of these bastards are still getting through, but I also noted that phpBB also provides the ability to wildcard ban IP addresses. By looking at the various IPs that I have banned, one can easily deduce the IP sequences that correspond only to Russian addresses. By blocking those IP sequences I am seeing fewer and fewer spam messages geting through. Should have them all blocked by the end of the week. ;-)
Another helpful hint. If you have doubts about banning or blocking a particular IP Address, you can check the IP Address here to see which country it originates in: Lookup IP Address country - Geo IP Multi-Lookup What's great about this site is that you can see how long the IP has been assigned and you can also put multiple IP Addresses in the text box and get a set of results.
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Friday, March 25, 2016
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Agile Software Engineering in the Proper Context
Corporations the world over have misunderstood the value and the proper application of Agile Software Engineering. Some companies have latched onto the "fun" factor and the empowerment of the developers as leading to a workplace with higher morale. This is a good outcome to be certain, but it is but the tip of the iceberg. You simply cannot infuse fun into the workplace with agile and expect to solve the problems of a 10, 15 or even 30 year legacy code-base and less so would you be wise to expect agile practices based solely on the "fun' factor and the empowerment of the developers alone to achieve high quality software.
Enterprise alignment with agile practices and business model alignment is needed at a bare minimum. If the business model of the organization is incongruous with the software engineering realities imposed by the underlying business model, then it is difficult to achieve a high level of software quality.
For example a high level of commercial flexibility is often perceived as a market advantage, but what is the point of delivering a scalable, public cloud based solution for your customers, if the business model requires the same engineering team to support a branch of the total code-base for each customer who has purchased the cloud solution the company offers commercially, The likelihood is that such competing demands will result in even more defects in the codebase and a rather difficult juggling act to keep each of the customers happy. A better solution is to design core Business APIs following the practices employed by When employing this strategy, there is an emphasis on building a stable core with a focus on a highly extensible architecture. It is precisely this approach that allowed to deliver the substantially high level of customization of their web marketplace which allows them to quickly stand up highly customized store-fronts for many customners without having to write substaantial amounts of custom code for each client.
Over and over again, we in software engineering are told that the linchpin to high quality software is software that is developed in an iterative manner and most importantly that it is designed for testability and is inherently testable. We are also advised that the processes for supporting the solution must be inherently and highly repeatable. Lastly, we know to insist that the software is tested, comprehensively and repeatedly. Some of the most respected software engineers that I have had the pleasure to know have adopted an additional principle which they strive to incorporate into their solution architectures, designs and coding; namely; "software solutions should be as simple as possible and no simpler." I have adapted this principle and simplified the concept further, my mantra for software solutions is: "To produce high-quality sustainable software solutions, they must always be designed and constructed as simply as possible" I do not invoke the caveat of "no simpler". In my opinion, sustainable software is designed and developed as simply and elegantly aas possible and sustainability can only be achieved through simplifying relentlessly.
Frequently, developers in their excitement to chase the next new thing, thereby increasing the tools in their tool-box -- be it a new library, a new language, a new engineering technique or even a new design pattern -- will adopt the most convoluted and complex stack and tooling with negligible benefit over doing it in a more conventional manner. For the software engineer in question, this provides some measure of accomplishment, perhaps some job security and allows that individual to flex his or her muscle to show how talented they are. Such displays of bravado have no place in a software engineering team unless there is simply no better way of achieving the solution, but we in the profession must have the integrity to say "No." to needlessly complex solutions.
The most likely result of employing needless complexity in our technology solutions is that the software will be difficult to support and sustain. While there are many ways to achieve the simplicity, repeatability and sustainability of which I speak is by employing the concepts of Software Stability which I have blogged about in other posts.
Enterprise alignment with agile practices and business model alignment is needed at a bare minimum. If the business model of the organization is incongruous with the software engineering realities imposed by the underlying business model, then it is difficult to achieve a high level of software quality.
For example a high level of commercial flexibility is often perceived as a market advantage, but what is the point of delivering a scalable, public cloud based solution for your customers, if the business model requires the same engineering team to support a branch of the total code-base for each customer who has purchased the cloud solution the company offers commercially, The likelihood is that such competing demands will result in even more defects in the codebase and a rather difficult juggling act to keep each of the customers happy. A better solution is to design core Business APIs following the practices employed by When employing this strategy, there is an emphasis on building a stable core with a focus on a highly extensible architecture. It is precisely this approach that allowed to deliver the substantially high level of customization of their web marketplace which allows them to quickly stand up highly customized store-fronts for many customners without having to write substaantial amounts of custom code for each client.
Over and over again, we in software engineering are told that the linchpin to high quality software is software that is developed in an iterative manner and most importantly that it is designed for testability and is inherently testable. We are also advised that the processes for supporting the solution must be inherently and highly repeatable. Lastly, we know to insist that the software is tested, comprehensively and repeatedly. Some of the most respected software engineers that I have had the pleasure to know have adopted an additional principle which they strive to incorporate into their solution architectures, designs and coding; namely; "software solutions should be as simple as possible and no simpler." I have adapted this principle and simplified the concept further, my mantra for software solutions is: "To produce high-quality sustainable software solutions, they must always be designed and constructed as simply as possible" I do not invoke the caveat of "no simpler". In my opinion, sustainable software is designed and developed as simply and elegantly aas possible and sustainability can only be achieved through simplifying relentlessly.
Frequently, developers in their excitement to chase the next new thing, thereby increasing the tools in their tool-box -- be it a new library, a new language, a new engineering technique or even a new design pattern -- will adopt the most convoluted and complex stack and tooling with negligible benefit over doing it in a more conventional manner. For the software engineer in question, this provides some measure of accomplishment, perhaps some job security and allows that individual to flex his or her muscle to show how talented they are. Such displays of bravado have no place in a software engineering team unless there is simply no better way of achieving the solution, but we in the profession must have the integrity to say "No." to needlessly complex solutions.
The most likely result of employing needless complexity in our technology solutions is that the software will be difficult to support and sustain. While there are many ways to achieve the simplicity, repeatability and sustainability of which I speak is by employing the concepts of Software Stability which I have blogged about in other posts.
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